The project, based on the results of the A.H.A.C project, was created to improve the profile and training of workers (Heritage Craft Persons) of construction sites of historic buildings and to investigate the following issues:
– pre-qualification rules for craftsmen specialized in the conservation and restoration of the architectural heritage;
-certification for the training of craftsmen specialized in the conservation and restoration of the architectural and related trainers;
-specific training manual.
Promoter: Røros Municipalità, Røros (Norvegia)
Participant Institutions
Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo
Norwegian Institute for Adult Education (Norvegia)
National Heritage Board (Estonia)
Tallinn Construction School (Estonia)
Latsu School of Tallinn Architecture and Environment (Finlandia)
Epicentre (Grecia)
Vilnius Old Town Renewal Agency (Lituania)
European Commission, Programma Quadro Leonardo