Colonial Architecture, an identity to be shared (L’Architecture Colonial, une identité a partager)
The project originated from the explicit need, expressed by the local counterparts, concerning the improvement of the knowledge of African colonial heritage. Locally the project has realized activities of restoration and conservation of the historical heritage, professional training and activities to raise awareness of local authorities and people.
The project developed through a series of activities in Benin, Congo and Europe:
- Restoration of the building in “Maison du patrimoine” owned by the Municipality of Porto-Novo (Bénin) and related museum studio
- Participation in the creation of an inventory of the colonial historical heritage of Lubumbashi (Congo DRC);
- Training of young professionals in Porto-Novo and Lubumbashi also through school-building sites addressed to young architects, engineers, archaeologists, museologists, etc. at the specific request of the Ecole du patrimoine africain (EPA);
- Awareness-raising actions on the colonial historical heritage in Porto-Novo and Lubumbashi;
- Organization of an international conference in Porto-Novo;
- Publication of a final volume
At European level seminars and symposiums have been organized with the participation of representatives from both Africa and Europe.
Cooparch – Société Coopérative d’Architecture, de Recherche et d’Urbanisme
Donors and Participant Institutions:
European Commission DG X,
Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo,
Institut supérieur d’Architecture de la Communauté française La Cambre (Belgio),
Ricerca e Cooperazione (Italia),
Cultur Lab (Belgio),
Musée national de Lubumbashi (Repubblica Democratica del Congo),
Université Nicolas Copernic de Torun (Polonia),
EPA – Ecole du Patrimoine africain (Benin),
La Ville de Lyon,
La Mission site historique de Lyon,
Town of Porto-Novo (Benin),
Escola Superior Artistica do Porto,
Les Amis de l’UNESCO,
Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale