Training course about the use of multimedia techniques applied to archival work 2003-2004

The course was intended to fill a gap in current archival training, lacking integration between traditional training and the knowledge and use of new computer techniques. The most modern and innovative solutions designed for the dissemination and enhancement of archival heritage both locally and online were examined, but also privacy, technological obsolescence, the intrinsic limitations of the accompanying tools, costs and ease of use.

Promoter: Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo.

Participant Institutions: Regione Lombardia, FSE 2003-2004 – Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo.

Lecturer: M. Albani, S.T. Almini, P. Andreozzi, D. Bondielli, G. Bramati, S. Bozzetti, B. Cattaneo, R. Cerri, G. Corna, G. Crescini, S. Del Bello, G. Mangini, P. Oscar, M. Panzeri, B. Pasinelli, L. Pizzica, S.M. Pifferi, R. Porta, D. Quartieri, M. Savoja, L. Secco Suardo, M. Sette, M.T. Sillano