Roofs maintenance of historic buildings: the Church of San Giuseppe in Castelleone and the Church of Sant’Andrea in Brignano Gera d’Adda
Castelleone (Cr), Brignano Gera d’Adda (Bg), 2016-2017
If the ancient buildings have come down to our days and arouse interest for their preciousness, this is due to a constant and correct maintenance activity that lasted until a few decades ago. For decades, on the other hand, there has been an almost total lack of proper routine maintenance on our heritage, with consequent damage to the whole community.
From 2010 to today, the Giovanni Secco Suardo Association, in collaboration with public and private institutions, has carried out a series of routine maintenance projects that have allowed correct interventions on the roofs with significant economic savings.The methodologies developed and tested over the years have also been applied in the intervention for the roofs of the Church of Sant’Andrea di Brignano Gera d’Adda and San Giuseppe di Castelleone.
The project, in addition to the interventions on the two churches, also created a volume on the Church of Sant’Andrea in Brignano, highlighting the various historical, architectural, iconographic and conservation aspects, with particular attention to the almost unpublished cycle of frescoes that decorate the church. A fragmentary and discontinuous decorative apparatus, whose state of conservation is very precarious and in need of plaster stabilization interventions in order to preserve their existence and prevent their disappearance.
Participant Institutions
Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo
Parrocchia di Santa Maria Assunta di Brignano Gera d’Adda (BG)
Parrocchia SS. Filippo e Giacomo di Castelleone (CR)
Fondazione Cariplo